The employees of the Greek Food & Drink Industry are the most valuable contributor to the successful and continuous operation of the sector.
The competitiveness of the food & drink sector is directly linked to its human resources, with the values and skills it embodies, both in terms of knowledge and expertise. It is therefore necessary to continuously upgrade the scientific and technical education of employees in order to respond to the developments and the need for new skills (e.g. green and digital skills, that are becoming important priorities for our Industry). Equally important is the cultivation of soft skills, which complement any other training.
In addition, the reestablishment of the technological sector of the Universities, in collaboration with the business sector, as well as the incorporation of specialized technical programmes, are necessary steps to address critical human resources shortages.
Pact for skills - EU initiative
SEVT participates in the consortium, together with FoodDrinkEurope & Copa-Cogeca.
Its objective is to define a common strategy for the design and implementation of a framework for the upskilling and reskilling of the sector's human resources, in order to increase competitiveness, maintain jobs and enhance their attractiveness in the sector.

European & national projects
SEVT, through the participation in European and national projects, provides up-to-date information on the developments around human resources training and education, as well as awareness about the needs for new skills that are required in the current changing business environment.