SINERGIA is an European project co-financed by the MED Programme, an EU transnational cooperation programme of the EU Cohesion Policy with the objective to strengthen the
competitiveness, employment and sustainable development of the Mediterranea area.

The general aim of SINERGIA is to promote the technology transfer to the SMEs in the agro-food industry in order to:

– identify innovative processes to address energy efficiency patterns in the productive chain;

– guarantee a wide replication of the technological solutions for energy saving and CO2 reduction in the involved MED regions;

– strengthen the competitiveness of the agro-food industry in the Euro-Mediterranean and global markets.


SINERGIA actions will be performed in 7 specific MED pilot regions across different agro-food pilot sectors with the following objectives:

– capitalizing the most relevant MED and Research projects tackling the innovation in agro-food sector and zooming the critical factors related to the energy efficiency in the agro-food industry in order to steering enterprises towards adequate and innovative solutions;

– identify, also through the realization of energy assessments on a pool of 50 SMEs, innovative solutions and benchmarks;

– develop a decision support systems that enable enterprises to reach higher energy performance standards while preserving the quality of products and support them to take wisest investment choices;

– develop technological transfer actions at transnational level, in order to stimulate investment policies based on lower energy inputs, better energy efficiency and in the use of RES;

– address a common vision and a roadmap of investments for Mediterranean SMEs in the fields of energy efficiency in line with the EU2020 Strategy thanks to the Transnational Cooperation Network, a project initiative open to enterprises, agro-food corporations & R&D actors for the development of future projects & close-to-market researches under the future 2014-2020 Competitiveness & Research programmes;

– multiply, at local/productive cluster dimension, the SINERGIA energy efficiency cooperative model to a broader range of SMEs and stakeholders through the empowerment of existing eco-innovation help-desks in each project region, as well as through the promotion of Public and Private agreements.