PestNU is an Horizon 2020, European Green Deal (LC-GD-6-1-2020) Project, brings under systemic innovation novel Digital and Space-based Technologies (DST) combined with Agro-ecological and Organic practices (AOP) already at TRL5, which will be further deployed, upscaled, field-tested and demonstrated to TRL7, in novel circular economy food production systems, such as aquaponics and circular horticulture systems as closed/semi-closed hydroponic greenhouses, and in open-field vegetable cultivation, under different conditions, soils and crops (tomato, cucumber, pepper).

PestNu’s main objectives are:

-In-depth systemic analysis for improving sustainability, food resilience and safety and affordability for all

-Deployment and up scaling of digital & space based technologies (DST)

-Deployment and up scaling of agro-ecological and organic practices (AOP)

-Pre-pilot systemic set up of DST & AOP in circular economy food systems for field-testing & optimization

-Field Testing and Demonstration of DST & AOP systemic innovations in an aquaponic plant and open-field vegetable farms and evaluation of their systemic performance in daily practice

-Open Science and Innovation actions under a multi-actor and cross-sectoral approach

-Cooperation with European Commission services

PestNu’s Expected impacts:

-Decreasing the dependency on the use of hazardous pesticides

-Reducing loss of nutrients from fertilisers & ultimately fertiliser use; increasing their efficiency

-Providing sufficient, safe, nutritious, healthy and affordable food for all

-Improving the overall sustainability of food systems

-Improving the resilience of food systems to shocks and stresses

-Achieve an increase in awareness among policy makers, businesses, investors, entrepreneurs, institutions, stakeholders and citizens of selected innovative systemic solutions, of their potential and of the requirements to promote and realise their uptake at EU scale and behavioural change.

The PestNu consortium consists of 20 partners from 9 EU countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, UK). It includes 2 Industries, 10 SMEs, 5 NGOs & Agricultural, Enviromental &Food Associations, 1 University and 2 Research Centers

Visit the site and the social media of the project:




PestNu Informational material

video – PestNu project presentation

PestNu Questionnaire for citizens: Have a say!!!

In the context of PestNu Project, a questionnaire was developed to gather the opinions and impressions from the citizens of the project partners’ countries on the project key issues, meaning the Agroecological practices, the differences between the conventional and the organic farming and the use of DSTs technologies on the agrifood production.

The questionnaire is addressed to citizens in general, with a special focus to citizens interested in agricultural production and have tried to produce their own agricultural products.

Please help us by sharing your experience and opinions!!!

If you have any questions or comments, you can contact us: Project Coordinator, Dr Ria Pechlivani/CERTH (,  Survey Studies Leader, Dr Foteini Salta/SEVT (

PestNu Questionnaire

The opinions of the farm to Fork practitioners on the use of Digital-space based technologies and the reduction of pesticides and fertilizer use

PestNu is an acronym of a H2020 European Green Deal project which brings systemic solutions under circular economy along the farm-to-fork food production chain, using cutting edge Digital and Space-based Technologies (DST) combined with Agro-ecological and Organic practices (AOP) for reducing the dependence on hazardous pesticides; reducing the losses of nutrients from fertilisers, towards zero pollution of water, soil and air and ultimately fertiliser use.

PestNU consortium (20 partners from 9 different EU countries) targets within 36-months duration to deploy, upscale, field-test and demonstrate novel DST (eg. robots, sensors, Earth Observation mission systems etc) combined with AOP (eg. automated recycling system of agricultural wastes, biofertilisers, biopesticides etc) in novel circular economy food production systems, such as aquaponics and circular horticulture systems as closed/semi-closed hydroponic greenhouses, and in open-field vegetable cultivation, under different conditions, soils and crops (tomato, cucumber, pepper).

In this context a questionnaire was developed to probe the opinions of the practitioners. The responses from the survey will guide us to plan the future the project activities.

We are very interested to hear your insights concerning the reduction of pesticides and fertilizer use and the loss of nutrients. This will support our understanding of your needs, and will contribute to the successful project implementation. To participate to survey, click here.

Do you have any questions or comments? You can contact us: Project Coordinator, Dr Ria Pechlivani/CERTH ( or Survey studies Leader, Dr Foteini Salta/SEVT (

PESTNU Digital Platform

A cutting-edge matchmaking tool

The PestNu Digital Platform is a cutting-edge matchmaking tool designed to bring together stakeholders from across the Farm to Fork supply chain to collaborate, share knowledge, exchange good practice and improve sustainability.

Why join the PestNu Digital Platform?

• Easy, free access to a network of professionals dedicated to sustainable agriculture
• Business-oriented real-time interaction among stakeholders of the Farm to Fork industry
• Contact, engage and collaborate with organizations from the precision agriculture and organic farming sectors
• Promote your organization and corporate achievements
• Training modules on digital and robotic precision agriculture tools and systems
• User-friendly training materials and interface
• Augmented Reality training toolkit

PESTNU Digital Platform