PEFMED PLUS “Sharing and transferring Product Environmental Footprint experiences and methods to neighbouring countries of the Adriatic agri-food sector” will improve the expertise already gained by the previous PEFMED Project, which focused on agri-food Mediterranean countries, by replicating its culture and methodology and transferring a set of ready-to-use outputs (National Roadmaps, PEF Wiki Platform info, Socio-Economic KPIs tools for olive oil, bottled water, wine and cheese) to companies in selected Adriatic countries (Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro). It will follow a bottom-up approach to build awareness among business operators, public authorities and regional municipalities including local agri-food clusters.


The Product Environmental Footprint and its methodology will be reformulated and adapted into practical and ready-to-use tools, already tested in the previous PEFMED Project, for agri-food companies, regional clusters, and national policymakers. 

PEFMED PLUS activities will continue until June 30th, 2022.


List of partners:


– Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – ENEA, ITALY

– Federalimentare Servizi srl – FEDSERV, ITALY

– Federation of Hellenic food industries – SEVT, GREECE

– Agrofood Regional Innovation and technology Transfer Centre – CRITT-PACA, FRANCE

– University of Mostar – Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology – SUM APTF, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 

– Administration for food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary affairs – UBHVFP, MONTENEGRO

– County of Split-Dalmatia – SDC, CROATIA

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