PEFMED aims to test the PEF-compliance distance-to-target in 9 testimonial MED agrofood clusters & supply chains upon a range of products.



– Promote targeted systemic eco-innovation interventions to green the agrofood sector.

– Increase the market value of PEF-compliant productions and guide a mind change in the traditional agrofood productions model towards the PEF approach.

-Support the Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) goals related to innovation in agrofood and industrial production.


– Scenarios of intervention (technological and managerial actions) to improve the nine supply chains and clusters environmental footprints and the key social aspects with a territory based approach.

– Marketing strategy implementation to communicate the key environmental performance of the nine product chains through transparency, reliability and comparability.

– National roadmaps to extend the environmental footprint approach to new MED agrofood supply chains and clusters and to favor SME innovation.

– Wiki web-platforms to facilitate fast creation, sharing and transfer of collaborative knowledge content in a highly accessible and visible manner.

– Knowledge vouchering and new eco-innovation services to be provided by agrofood associations.

Financial support: Funding Programme Interreg MED Transnational Cooperation Programme, Project budget: 2,4 M €, ERDF 2,1 M €

Reference: Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund