NU-AGE project was supported by the European Commission under the Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology Theme of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development and its duration was from the 1st of May 2011 until the 30th of April 2016.

The overall aim of the NU-AGE project was to improve health and quality of life in the EU ageing population by counteracting inflammageing – a chronic, low-grade inflammatory state associated with older age which is one of the factors behind age-related disease – through a whole diet approach. Through this approach, the project had the objective to fill the current lack of knowledge on how the whole diet can impact on and counteract age-related decline.

Specific Objectives

– to design a new food pyramid specific for 65+ EU citizens “NU-AGE diet”,

– to enhance a multidisciplinary approach in unravelling the role of diet for the EU’s ageing population, elucidating molecular and cellular mechanisms of action of the diet on healthy longevity to contribute to dietary standards,

– recommendations and food based guidelines for the EU elderly, and

– to design industrially driven fortified foods specifically targeted to postpone ageing decline.

NU-AGE Final Brochure