NEWFEED (Turn Food Industry By-products into secondary Feedstuffs via Circular-Economy Schemes) is part of PRIMA programme, supported and funded under EU Horizon 2020 Framework. The objective of this Innovation Action is the development and adoption of alternative animal feeds setting up a circular economy approach in the livestock production by turning the by-products of the food industry into high value secondary feedstuff for animal feed. The project also focusses on the increase of the sustainability of the Mediterranean livestock through the valorisation of local food industry by-products that will lead to reduced environmental impact and costs.

The overall methodology focuses on activities directly aiming at testing and demonstrating the technical and economic viability of alternative feed resources from improved food industry by-products in the Mediterranean Area.

Three different value chains will be validated to create new business opportunities:

– Valorisation of grape stem from wineries as a second-generation feedstuff to produce a new feed ingredient for ruminants (dairy sheep and cattle). The study will be carried out in Spain.

– Valorisation of orange peel from orange juice industries to produce an improved feed ingredient for ruminants (dairy sheep). The study will be carried out in Greece.

– Valorisation of olive cake from olive oil industry to produce feed ingredient for poultry (broiler chicken). The study will be carried out in Egypt.

The proposed solutions are in line with national and regional strategies and policies, since they are based on circular economy schemes, and they will be performed in partnership with the main stakeholders considering a multi-actor approach.

NEWFEED aims at contributing to the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals and will help to develop a sustainable and efficient agriculture, livestock and food system. Through NEWFEED all involved partners will have the opportunity to increase public and consumer awareness on sustainability, circular economy, resource efficiency, climate neutrality, food system interconnection, local innovation, economic growth, jobs in rural or renewable biological resources.

The project was launched on July 1st 2021, involves 14 partners (R&D Institutes, Universities, Federations) from 4 countries (Egypt, Greece, Spain and Turkey) and its duration is 48 months.

Project Partners:

– Fundación AZTI – AZTI Fundazioa, Spain

– NEIKER-Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development, Spain


– Unión Agroganadera de Álava, Spain

– Bodegas BAIGORRI S.A.U., Spain

– Confederación Española de Fabricantes de Piensos Compuestos para Animales, Spain

– Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, Egypt


– ISIS For Food Indusries, Egypt

– National Technical University of Athens, Greece


– Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos – Dimitra, Greece

– University of Western Macedonia. Department of Agriculture, Greece

– Middle East Technical University, Turkey

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