FRESH is a European project funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission. The Project aims at strengthening the competitiveness of European agri-food sector firms reducing the apparent skill mismatches derived from obsolete human resources practices. FRESH will contribute to the reduction of competency deficits in the agri-food sector of small and mediumsized companies, by developing a European standard of professional competence and an open online training on human resources management (HRM) addressed to HR managers of European agri-food companies.
HRM is still considered by many SMEs as a peripheral function, weakly related to business success, although strategic HRM can maximise the quality of skills match in firms and embed competitive advantage through attraction, development and retention of talent.
FRESH Project aims to:
– Improve knowledge, skills and competences on HRM of agri-food firms managers,
– Facilitate lifelong learning among agri-food sector managers,
– Facilitate the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes in Europe,
– Innovate on existing non-formal training courses and qualification standards.
DURATION: 2 years
From 15-10-2017 to 14-12-2019
– Three agri-food companies associations: ANIA (France), FEDAVOVA (Spain), SEVT (Greece).
– An expert in Human Resources Management: Fundación Equipo Humano (Spain).
– An information technology developer: EDITC (Cyprus),
– Two vocational training centres: BIC Ljubljana, (Slovenia), NEC Cerknica (Slovenia).
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