The main objective of the LIFE FOODPRINT project was to identify, quantify and implement measures to reduce, the carbon footprint (CF) of the pastry and flour food industry sector along the supply chain while increasing competitiveness through the development of an innovative software tool.
The project’s specific objectives:
– Developing a robust software tool that will enable the reliable determination & evaluation of the CF of pastry and flour food products considering direct and indirect activities (energy consumption, water and wastewater management, logistics). The software tool shall be characterized by its reliability and easiness in use, as well as its integration in carbon footprinting evaluation,
– Performing a large scale demonstration of the developed CF tool in 6 pastry and flour food industries in Greece and Italy aiming
– to evaluate the CF of their products along the supply chain
– to identify the Carbon hotspots contributing in raising the CF of products along the value chain
– to quantify the contribution of each activity to the overall CF of each product
– to develop GHGs emissions mitigation programs for each of the participating food industries and their associated products by incorporating appropriate set of offsetting measures which will be give rise to opportunities for greater energy and resource efficiency, reduced waste & wastewater generation, streamlined logistics and other efficiencies.