FIELDS (Addressing the current and Future skIll needs for sustainabilty, digitalization, and the bio-Economy in AgricuLture: European skills agenDa and Strategy) goal is to delivery human capital solutions to supply food systems and bioeconomy chains, through the establishment of an Agriculture and Forestry Sector Skill Alliance. The action will provide analysis of skill gaps for bioeconomy, digitalisation and sustainability, EU and country strategies, curricula, apprenticeship schemes, modular training material and opportunities to implement further the skills after the project ends.
FIELDS’ main objectives are:
– Development of a sectoral skill strategy.
– Training implementation.
– Sector Skill Alliance implementation.
The project started on 1st of January 2020, will last 36 months and it has received funding from the Erasmus+ program. The project is coordinated from University of Turin and consortium consists of: ANIA, FIAB, SEVT, CCIS-CAFE, LVA, ISEKI, CONFAGRICOLTURA, WUR, ICOS, AERES, AP, UHOH, ΕΚΕΤΑ, ACTIA, ΓΑΙΑ, Confagri PT, SCOOP, UCLM, AC3A, FDE, FENACORE, NFOR, LLL-P, Plant ETP, EFB, PA, FJ-BLT, EFVET & CEPI.