Developments in packaging and in nutritional trends.
On November13th, SEVT organised two events in the context of the FOODTECH-GLOBAL PACK 2023 Exhibition, in Athens.
The first event "New standards in Packaging and Packaging Waste for the Food & Drink Industry - Developments & Perspectives" focused on the latest developments around packaging and the changes that the new Regulation (PPWR) is expected to bring, while its formulation is under discussion. Representatives from the State, the Food & Drink and Packaging Industries, the supply chain were invited to speak about the challenges, the impact, the next steps. Good practices of circular ecoonomy models were also shared. It is a transition with very ambitious targets, that requires the collaboration of all stakeholders involved.
During the second event "FunJuice - New food trends & new food products", new consumer trends were presented, as well as the Industry's initiatives for a healthier nutrition (Code of Principles, Greek Pledge for adevrtising to children, Reformulation practices, Mindful Snacking, Functional Foods).
Concerning FunJuice, the objectives, the challenges, the methodology, the expected results of the project, of relevant clinical studies and surveys were presented by the stakeholders, providing a general positive outcome.
You may see the presentations and photos.